Dog and Cat Grooming and Boarding
in Lakewood, Colorado
We treat your pet like our very own.
Pet Grooming
Pet Grooming for Cats & Dogs.
Regular grooming is a large part of a happy, healthy pet!
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Pet Boarding
Dog, cat, and small animal boarding.
Have peace of mind knowing your pet is safe, happy, and well-cared for!
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We Love Your Animals and What We Do!
There’s only one reason we do what we do. And that’s your pets! We love these little guys, and we will do whatever we need to keep them properly groomed, well-fed, and taken care of!
Since 1999, we’ve helped our clients in the Denver and Lakewood, Colorado area. When it comes to caring for your fur babies, we treat them like our very own.
Pet Grooming and Boarding
We offer luxurious pet grooming services and extended pet boarding for both cats and dogs.
Our clients know that Pinehurst Animal Center will keep their pets happy, safe, and well-groomed. Here at Pinehurst Animal Center, we are all inclusive. We accept all breeds.
Whether you need boarding for a dog or cat or other small animal, we’ll keep your pet active and well cared for.
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